Trip suggestions

Where do you want to paddle?

With Hälgö as a starting point, you have access to a number of beautiful islands and places of interest in the Sörmland archipelago.
Below you will find our best suggestions and favorite places for a paddling trip with Hälgö as a starting point.   


If it's windy at sea, you have children in the kayak or want a slightly easier trip - the canal to Sibbofjärden can really be recommended! In summer, the canal is lined with dense greenery and the feeling of being in the tropics becomes tangible. Cherry trees and currant bushes bend their branches over the paddler and the shallow water is full of both small and large fish that thrive in the flowing water from the sea.

The fish-rich shallow water attracts many birds that are often found on the shore. The entrance is between the two boathouses you see if you follow the northern shore of the mainland. A bit in there are nice bathing rocks / fishing spots on the right side, you get there after about 30 min paddling.

Estimated paddling time Hälgö - Sibbofjärden: 30 minutes

Stendörren Nature Reserve

Here you can safely cruise between islets and skerries. Both children and adults enjoy paddling under the suspension bridges in the reserve. However, camping is only allowed on the outside of the fairway, i.e. in places that cannot be reached on foot.
On the way to Stendörren from Hälgö, you can pass both Sandaholmen and Kalklubben. Sandaholmen is a nature reserve with shallow water suitable for paddling with children or in unstable weather. Here you can paddle on the inside/northern side of Sandaholmen if the water is not too low. Kalklubben is a lovely small island group that offers nice bathing rocks and contains an exciting canal lined with torch roses and water lilies. Kalklubben is passed on the way to Stendörrens nature reserve.
Estimated paddling time Hälgö - Stendörren: 1.5 hours

Backa islets

Just under an hour's quiet paddle from Hälgö is the Backa holmar island group - a fantastic little oasis for paddlers of all kinds. Here, everyone in the group can have their own island if they wish. The archipelago is located quite far into the archipelago and there are rarely high waves once you have paddled in. In several places there is the possibility of camping (but hardly several in the same place) and between the small rocky islands the big boats do not enter, therefore the kayak has its special charm in just such a place. If you're paddling with children, the shallow water gives you the opportunity to play and explore for a longer time.


A nice but slightly longer paddling trip is the canal between Ringsö - Hartsö - Bergö - Långö. A nice place for a snack is Hargberget on Hartsö, the highest point in the archipelago. The mountain is not very impressive from the kayak, but at the top it is well worth the climb, as you have a wide view of the Sörmland archipelago. If you want to treat yourself to a luxurious canoeing weekend, you can stay at the Lotsplatsen hostel on Sävö, have coffee and sleep in soft beds before paddling on the next day. Paddling to Sävö from Hälgö takes between 2½ - 5 hours, depending on weather and coffee breaks.

St. Bergö

When you pass out of Stendörren between Aspnäset and Krampö, the first island is Bergön, where between small and large Bergö is a wreck that partially protrudes above the surface. A wreck you can even paddle into. Exciting for children and playful adults!

Rod cutter

A fantastic island close by, about 10-15 min paddling from Hälgö and a good first stop for you with children in the kayak. Here are nice swimming opportunities even for smaller children. Several herons usually have their sleeping place in the trees on the north side, sheltered bays are available to pull up the kayak around the island and wild gooseberries to pick. Just right for those who just want to get out for a little while and breathe sea air and sunbathe on their own rock.

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